Monday, May 10, 2010

Oliver goes to school!

We heard back from hematology on Friday. While Oliver is still severely neutropenic (His absolute neutrophil count is 274, should be up over 1500), the dr said she wouldn't prevent him from going to daycare. We just have to be careful and cautious and call if his fever goes over 101 at any point. Since he's likely to get sick a lot at daycare that will probably happen often, which will result in a trip to the ER and a blood test. if his counts are low they will likely start antibiotics since the issue with neutropenia is that he'll be unable to fight bacterial infections very well. He should fight viruses just fine though.

He had a seizure yesterday morning, right as he woke up. happy mother's day to me! It was hard to watch but we quickly moved past it and started prepping for our brunch. We got to see tons of friends and had a great time eating and talking. Tobin ran into a fence face first and had a bit of a cranky day from all the excitement but hopefully it was still fun for him. Waiting to hear back from the neuro about increasing Oliver's Vigabatrin dose. Hoping we can and that it will keep the seizures away again. I don't know what their plans will be for clearing his EEG but I sure hope they have one and that it works. Of all the things Oliver has to face in his lifetime, I'd love to move past the Infantile Spasms at some point if we can!

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