noticed a bit of low numbers during the "lights on" portion but think that was because he was asleep and his eyes were sort of rolled upward at the time. His numbers during the "lights out" portion were perfectly normal so the dr thinks it was just a fluke and not an indicator of any issue. So that will serve as our baseline ERG and we will do another one in 6 months. The purpose of this test is to measure his retinal function and keep an eye on it (pun intended) while he is on Vigabatrin, since Vigab can have the tendency to reduce retinal function and cause tunnelvision when taken for a long time at a high dose.
After the ERG I had to get to the office for a meeting so Jason is spending the rest of the day with the tater tot. Oliver has his 9 month checkup at 2pm which should be fairly uneventful. So we should be done with appointments until our Mayo trip in August!
We are still waiting to hear from neurology about Oliver's most recent seizures to see what our med plans are and if we are going to continue with the plan to decrease clonazepam or if we are going to switch to a "plan b". Hopefully whatever we do gives the boy a little relief from the seizures!
He had his best night's sleep last night, in , well....ever! He was asleep by 9pm and we heard him once at 4:45am but didn't go get him. He was just kind of talking to himself and then put himself back to sleep. At 7am we woke him to give him his meds...I wonder how much longer he would have kept sleeping?!?!?! Hopefully that's a new pattern that will stick around for awhile :)
Grandma Eunice and Papa Bill fly in tonight at 8pm and we're very excited to spend some time with them, and to have the chance to spend some alone time with Tobin while Oliver hangs inside hiding from the heat. Both of his seizures this week happened after he had been out in the heat for a bit so I am hoping if we keep him in the a/c consistently ...maybe he won't have anymore? That would be good and bad. Bad because it would mean that we can't all go do outside stuff as a family until the heat settles down some, but good if it keeps him from having seizures.
Not much else new around here, a nice break from dr visits for Oliver, Tobin is having a great summer playing with friends and going to various pools and parks, and Jason and I are just slowly trying to manage everything that comes along with caring for a very special little baby while balancing everything else in our lives.
Sleeping through the night is a plus at least! We are thinking of Oliver all the time.