Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Going Tubing

Oliver will be the lucky recipient of a lovely pair of tubes for his ears in the near future. After his 15 month checkup with our pediatrician we all agreed that 5 ear infections in 4 months is just too many...and they'll keep coming if we don't take some action. We have the name of an ENT and will be trying to get Oliver in to see him as soon as possible so we can schedule the surgery. I have heard it's a minor thing and takes about 15 minutes to get the tubes in once he's out so it should just be a one day stop at the hospital.

The 15 month checkup went pretty well, we will return on Friday this week to get a shot for Oliver. We are going to try and get him caught up on some of his vaccinations. The doctor recommended prevnar or pentacel. The pentacel has pertussis vax in it and I'm scared of that one as it's contraindicated for seizures. Since Oliver's seizures are still uncontrolled I don't feel comfortable administering the one shot that might cause a seizure reaction. Oliver is growing well and is now 25 lbs and 31.5 inches tall. head circumference is up a bit from last time but not too much, or too little so we're feeling comfortable with that.

He continues to suffer from his GI issues and is very uncomfortable most days. We are at a loss with what to do about it but are going to try probiotics and then speak with his GI doctor again if that doesn't help.

Tobin had his 4 year checkup and is doing very well. He's now 43.5 inches tall and 45 lbs! He had a great birthday party this past weekend:

Tobin's Birthday Cake!

Oliver has also been having what we suspect to be tonic seizures and absence seizures. We're not sure of either but they look a lot like seizures to us. We'll bring them up with the neuro at our next meeting in February. After a tough week long fever and ear infection filled with seizures and miserable-ness, Oliver appears to be feeling better and we've resumed our Clonazepam wean. On Monday morning we dropped his 1/4 pill in the am and now he is only taking 1/4 pill at night. In a couple weeks we'll discuss his progress with the neuro and see if we're ready to drop the last bit of the pill. Then hopefully we'd be on the path to drop the Sabril/Vigab. I am so ready to see what he can do without this med. He has been on it for so long I want to know what he is like off of it. I just hope he's different, and in a good way.

In between screaming fits, Oliver found some time to play the piano:

Oliver's Concert Debut

We were very happy to have family visiting this past weekend. We spent a night out with friends and coworkers, slept in a hotel and spent the morning sleeping and eating room service and watching stupid movies on tv. Heaven!


  1. Cute videos! I bet it was nice to have a night out. We are going to try to do that soon!

  2. You did such a great job on the cake! Impressive.
