Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pictures soon, I promise!

We have the ankle braces and the vest! Insurance won't cover the hip helpers so the rehab clinic gave us the measurements so we can order them ourselves out of pocket. They are essentially stitched up shiny bike shorts and only cost about $15 so it's no big deal for us to buy a couple pairs on our own...

I will get some pictures of Oliver in his new kicks as soon as we buy him some big boy shoes this weekend and then I will post...

Today we had our stander fitting at RIC. We're getting this stander: Prime Engineering Super Stand in bright shiny candy apple red! The diva in me wanted the violet purple...the mom in me thought blue was more appropriate for a boy...and the mother to a special needs child with vision issues decided that bright red is best since it's the first color babies can see beyond black and white. It will probably be a long time before we receive it but I'm very excited!

Oliver was very fussy and cranky due to some GI discomfort when they placed him in the stander, so I spent most of his first time standing trying to soothe and comfort was probably a good distraction because it brought me to tears to see him standing. I was so happy to see him standing and so sad at the same time that he even needs a stander. Very bittersweet moment. Luckily Oliver's crying and distress served as a great distraction and didn't allow me to wallow in my own misery. Smart boy!

We also test drove some chairs and will be placing an order through EI for a feeding/therapy/general hanging out chair very soon.

Oliver's ear infection is clearing up and he has been having a pretty good week aside from a seizure on Tuesday.


  1. Hey! Great to hear about the stander. Was there a particular reason you chose that stander, exactly? It's going to be at least a year before we even consider one for Andrew, but I'm always thinking ahead. As for the chair you are going to order from EI, is the feeding/therapy/general hanging out chair something that can be used both at home AND outside the home?

    By the way, your boys are pretty freakin' adorable. Such handsome little kids!

  2. Yea, so the stander choices are fairly limited for a child that isn't able to hold his head up...prone stander (where they lay on their stomach and come upward to stand) only works for kids who have head control. this means we can only use a supine stander (he lays on his back to get strapped in and then we slowly incline him up to a standing position). The great thing about the super stand though is that he can use it as a supine stander now, then we can take the head rest off and switch the tray around and it will turn into a prone stander if and when he gains head control. The chair I think is more for in the home as it's not a wheelchair. Thanks, we think they are pretty cute!
