Thursday, April 22, 2010

One day left of Augmentin!

Only one day left of the dreaded Augmentin. We got ourselves down to a schedule so that Oliver keeps both meds down and he hasn't had any vomiting in a few days. Tomorrow is his last day on the antibiotic so we'll be back to just the Vigabatrin. Yay!

Something I want to write, but don't want to write at the same time, because the moment I speak it , it will happen....but we haven't observed any seizure activity for quite some time. I think the last major cluster was April 5th in the hospital the morning before his one and only shot of ACTH. We saw some jerks without crying the day before his ear infection was diagnosed..and I think that's about it. I know that with the CDG he is likely to always have some type of seizures so I am always expecting another one to come, but the brief break in activity is SO nice. Now that I've written this they will pop back up I'm sure.

Oliver is doing GREAT with his workouts with Grandma Eunice and goes to see his favorite PT tomorrow. The therapy sessions are so good for him and me as well because I always feel so hopeful leaving the center. He is making small strides each week and it's extremely encouraging. I just keep hoping that he will outperform everybody's expectations. You would never expect this from his first colicky / cranky 4 months but he is the sweetest little baby. Always happy, hardly ever complains (unless we're rapidly shooting Vigabatrin down his throat), and even gives us little smiles and coos at us to let us know he's ready to join in the conversation.

We started solids about a week ago and the little man is learning so well. I would say he is doing just as good as Tobin did at this age, which says a lot. Oral motor skills like eating are a good indicator of his abilities in my opinion.

Tobin had silly dress up day at school this week and I posted his super cool outfit on facebook. He is doing so great with all of this and basically raising himself at this point, ha! Hopefully the summer will bring lots of opportunities for all of us to get out and about together. I think it's good for Oliver as well. We spent the day at the children's museum last Sunday and Oliver really seemed to like the sounds and lights and colors.

We are in the process of finding out if Oliver can attend daycare. Tobin's daycare said they would take him, but we need to get an all clear from the doctors since his white blood count is so dangerously low. We don't want to expose him to anything that could make him really sick in case his body can't fight off the infection. Hopefully they will retest his blood soon and give us the all clear! We meet with hematology on May 6th and will know more. Still waiting on the appt with the geneticist to learn more about the CDG and find out how this ties in to our family. Are Jason and I both carriers or is this some genetic mutation that starts with Oliver? I have a large list of questions I am carrying around. I think I add one or two a day. Once I sit down with the neurologist next week I hope to get many of them answered.

Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. We received a really nice prayer shawl from a member of Hanna's church. They added Oliver to their prayer chain. I put the shawl on Oliver when he was napping and then Tobin tucked his stuffed frog in with him. That night, Haley decided she needed some prayers and curled her kitty butt up on the shawl to take a nap. It's getting lots of use.

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